Saturday, April 30, 2016

Geology Badge #9

Geology Badge #9
April 30th, 2016

This requirement is part of #14 for the Pi/Pa girls.

Requirement #9 wanted me to dig a simple Perc Test that was 8in. deep and 4in. wide. Then I had to fill it with water and put a ruler in the hole. The requirement wanted me to time the process to see how long it took for the water to drop 3 inches. Also, it asked what does the soil look like during a dry spell or after a long rainy spell.

My soil was wet and muddy because it has been raining at our house.

Why would the Perc Test be good for a garden?
YouTube video:

What is a Perc Test?
Definition: is a test to determine the absorption rate of soil for a septic drain field or "leach field". The results of a percolation test are required to properly design a septic system.

My hole at 7inches.

My hole at 4 inches. It drop 3 inches in 51 minutes.

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