Saturday, April 30, 2016

Geology Badge #18

Geology Badge #18
April 30th, 2016

For requirement #18, it wanted to know how rocks and minerals differ, how to identify minerals, define Mohs Scale of Hardness, and look up what my birthstone is.

How do rocks and minerals differ?

How do the luster, color, streak, hardness, specific gravity, cleavage, fracture and crystal form, help identify minerals?
websites: &

What is the Mohs Scale of Mineral Hardness?
Definition: The Mohs scale of mineral hardness is a qualitative ordinal scale that characterizes the scratch resistance of various minerals through the ability of a harder material to scratch a softer material.

Last it wanted me to find out what my birthstone is. My birthstone is Emerald.


  1. I think it's a great idea to keep track of badge work on a blog. Good idea! :)

  2. Hi!
    Thanks for leaving comments on my blog.
    26 badges is a lot! I joined AHG as a second-year Pioneer, so I haven't been in nearly as long as you have. I'll be getting 6 more badges at our Court of Awards next week. I am the only Patriot in my Troop, and there's only one Pioneer too, so I have always been the oldest. I am praying that some more Pi/Pa's join our troop next year!

    1. I started as a explorer. I going to post my sash in a blog post after I receive my badges and Dolley Madison Award from our Court of Awards next week. Our troop meet Tuesday nights. What night do yo meet? We have other Patriots but they are younger than me. We have one girl who is older than me but she is graduating this year. That makes me the oldest. I going to try to get my S&S sometime next so I can be done. What kind of badges have you earned?

    2. I'm sure your sash is very full! I am also planning to do a blog post about my time in AHG sometime soon. Our Troop meets on Thursday nights. I guess I can list the badges I've earned so far! They are: Our Flag, 7 C's of Creation, almost done with World Heritage, Citizenship & Government, Cooking, Family Helper,Home Care & Repair, Photography, Creative Writing, Outdoor Skills, Sign Language, Book Adventurer, Daughter of the King, Gardening & Plant Science,Engineering, and Internet Adventure. I also have my Harriet Tubman Award. Do you have any badges that I have too?

    3. I have sign language, our flag, world heritage, citizenship & government, cooking, family helper, home care & repair, outdoor skills, daughter of the king, engineering, and internet adventure. If you have not done stick shifts and safety belts, geology, or camping, I have several post about those badges if you would like to earn it. I link my badges with labels so all the requirement/optional are group together for those badges. I'll post all the badges I have earned soon.

    4. I saw some of your posts about that! I am working on Camping, but I'm not done with that one yet. My Troop is planning a summer camp-out for the older girls, so I'll get a lot done then!

    5. Have you done your 15 hour service project? For mine, I did a Red Cross Blood Drive.

    6. Do you mean for my Dolley Madison?

    7. I haven't done my project for my Dolley Madison yet, but I am starting to plan for it. I am not sure exactly what I'll be doing.

    8. Your blood drive sounds like a great idea, though! Since I don't have many Pi/Pa's to help me plan and get ideas, I'm still not sure.

  3. I did all the work my self. None of the Pi/Pa's at my troop helped me plan my project. They just donated some food for event that was it. All the planning and organizing was all done by me. They supported me and the idea though.

    1. Oh, yes. I just meant I don't have any ideas yet.
      Has your Troop had your Awards ceremony yet?

    2. Yes, Our troop had our award ceremony last week but the level awards were on back order. :(
      Once my level comes in I'll be posting a post about it and all my badges.
      Have you had yours?

    3. Ours was supposed to be last week, but since most of our things were on back order too, it's this Thursday instead.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.


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