Sunday, April 10, 2016

Camping Badge #26

Camping Badge #26
April 10th, 2016

Optional 26 wanted me to describe the advantages and disadvantages of using white gas, propane, and butane stoves.

White gas stove: aka. “Coleman Fuel stove"
Advantages: hotter fuel source, cheaper,
Disadvantages: frequent cleaning, heavy,
Website for safety procedure:

Propane stove
Advantages: simple to use, clean burn, no odor, full simmer control, no maintenance required, & many brands
Disadvantages: tend to fail in cold temperatures, fuel somewhat expensive, & fuel canister not always available
Website for safety procedures:

Butane stove
Advantages: inexpensive, works quickly, easy to use, less toxic, better for the environment, easy to carry, & energy efficient
Disadvantage: when it's below freezing, the gas does not work as well 
Website for safety procedures:

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