Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Money Management Badge #12

Money Management requirement #12

This requirement is part of #19 for Pi/Pa girls.

For this requirement I had to give a definition of giving and tithing. I also had to tell why it was important to share with others.

The importance of giving: Is to give with a grateful heart to those who have less than what you have.
Definition: a giving or an exacting of tithes.

Why is it important to share our possessions with others?
1. To let them enjoyed it as you do.
2. They are less fortune then you.
3. The item wouldn’t last forever.

How can our giving help complete God’s work through our churches, place of worship or other charities?
1. Our giving can help missionary in their field of work.
2. Can help to provide meals, clothes, and housing for different charities.
3. Provides stability for those who are struggling a little.

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