Sunday, January 12, 2014

Young Meteorologist #25

Young Meteorologist #25
January 12, 2014

1.What is an El Nino - a band of  warm ocean water temperatures that periodically develops off the western coast of South America and can cause climatic changes across the Pacific Ocean.

What is La Nina -  During a period of La Niña, the sea surface temperature across the equatorial Eastern Central Atlantic Ocean will be lower than normal by 3–5 °C.

2. How does La Nina impact the weather in South America- During a time of La Niña, drought plagues the coastal regions of Peru and Chile. From December to February, northern Brazil is wetter than normal.

 3. How does La Nina impact the weather in California- La Niña causes mostly the opposite effects of El Niño, above-average precipitation across the northern Midwest, the northern Rockies, Northern California, and the Pacific Northwest's southern and eastern regions.

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