Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Travel Badge #13 Trip 3

Travel Badge #13 - Virginia /Pennsylvania
November 2012

On the way to PA, we stopped at the Frontier Culture Museum in Staunton, VA.  The museum is reconstructed, historic farms from Germany, N. Ireland, England and Virgina during the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries.

We went to the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, PA.

There was a hands-on area.  We experimented with weights and pulleys.  I tried wheel chair racing.

                                                           We looked at the Liberty Bell.

This where the second Constitutional Convention was held.

 We passed the Betsy Ross house on our walking tour.

We went to Valley Forge.  It is where George Washington's army camped 1877-78.

The windows at Washington Memorial Chapel at Valley Forge had fancy, detailed designs.