Monday, March 25, 2013

Travel Badge #13 - Trip 1

June 2012 - Brush Gardens, Williamsburg, VA
Travel Badge #13

My family and I traveled to Williamsburg, VA.  While we were there, we went to Bush Gardens for a few days.  My sister and my Dad went on all of the roller coasters.  My Mom and me just hung out in the kiddie area and did some other rides.  The reason why I did not go on the roller coasters was because I do not like heights and they where very fast.  When we were there, we look at some Clydesdale.  There was a cute baby Clydesdale foal with its mommy.  We had lunch there and got some t-shirts.

My sister, my Dad and I went on a ride called Pompeii.  We went on it many, many times.  It was my favorite ride there because we got soaked over and over and over again.  My Mom did not want to ride it because she did not want to be wet on the way back to the condo.  When we were leaving, my sister and I stood in the splash zone for a few minutes and got soaked to the skin.  Then we headed back to the condo for the night.  That's some of what we did at Bush Gardens in Williamsburg, VA.