Sunday, April 30, 2017

Fishing Badge #15

Fishing Badge #15
April 30th, 2017

Requirement #15 wanted me to learn how and where to use a fly rod and what to use as bait.

How to Use a Fly Fishing Rod

Where to Use a Fly Rod:
Some places to use a fly rod are streams, ponds, and lakes.

Fly Fishing Bait: Some bait can be fake lures, and Minnows
Link for Fly Fishing Lures:  

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Home Decorating #15

Home Decorating #15
April 25th, 2017

Optional #15 wanted something to be decorated with a faux finish like a wall, table, or shelf.  I choose to do a shelf.

What is a faux finish?
Definition: replicate the appearance of materials such as marble, wood or stone.

Different options to do a faux finish is feather painting, ragging on or off, sponging, or staining.  
I choose to sponge as my faux finish for the shelf.

Here is how to sponge paint:
You can do how many coats of paint and top coat as you would like.  I did one coat because my paint included primer.

I used leftover wall paint/primer for painting my shelf.  I did a tan color for the base and a salmon color for my sponge coat.

I used a paint sponge that didn't have a lot of holes like a sea sponge.  Next time I'll try a sea sponge for a better effect.

How to glaze:

How to glaze wood:

If you complete this as an optional or do it for fun, post a picture of what you did in the comments.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

My Stars & Stripes Award Process Update #2

My Stars & Stripes Award Process Update #2
January 8th, 2017

I just wanted to give a quick update on my progress.  I have finished and submitted my Project Description to my advisor for approval.  I have been notified that it may take at least three days before I hear if it has been approved or not.  I can't wait to get started!!!

Keep checking back for updates!

Thanks for reading!! 

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

My Stars & Stripes Award Process

December 7th, 2016

Hello Readers,

I just wanted to give you an update on my posts. The reason there has been no posts lately for badges is because I am working on the Stars & Stripes Award. This award is the highest recognition in American Heritage Girls program.  The process takes at least 9 months to complete.

I am hoping to post a little while I go through this process.  Right now my project idea has been approved and now I am working on my project description.

Keep checking back for updates and to read my other posts!!!

Thanks for following and reading!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Photography Badge #26

Photography Badge #26
November 1st, 2016

Optional 26 wanted me to research two people who made contributions to the history of photography and how they furthered technological or artistic aspect of photography.

My two people are: Nicéphore Niépce and Alfred Stieglitz.

Nicéphore Niépce's contribution/technological futherment: He is believed to be the first person to invent photography by his invention of heliography, (sun drawing), with a camera. Also by making permanent images from photography.

Information websites: and

Alfred Stieglitz's contribution/artistic aspect of photography: by making photography a form of art that would be accepted throughout his career. Alfred also learned how photography used chemistry in making fine artistic photographs.

Information websites:,, and

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Photograph Badge #18

Photograph Badge #18
October 20th, 2016

Requirement 18 wanted me to find out what "speed" of a film means.  Also decide what speed of film is best in different situation.

Speed of a film or film speed definition: is the measure of a photographic film's sensitivity to light, determined by sensitometry and measured on various numerical scales, the most recent being the ISO system. A closely related ISO system is used to measure the sensitivity of digital imaging systems.

Shutter Speed video:

Film Speed video:

When is speed of film best used in different situations website:

Monday, October 3, 2016

Camping Badge #17

Camping Badge #17
October 3rd, 2016

For number 17, the requirement wanted me to make a shelter or lean-to by only using a tarp and rope. Also to make my own bedding with natural items and a ground cloth.

I already make my shelter in a previous post.

Pictures of my natural bedding with a ground cloth. I used pine needles as the bedding.